Thursday, April 24, 2008

Is NAS that N***R?

Here's what one artist had to say ...

"And after hearing your interviews, seeing the title of your upcoming LP, and hearing your "leaked" song "Be A Nigger Too" I can say without doubt.... Nas you are THAT nigga!

Nas you're that nigga that pretends to have a grasp on the social quagmire that our people are stuck in and yet cannot for the life of you articulate or justify your position on this obvious plea for controversy. Does this brother realize that his attempts at diffusing the word "Nigger" by making it some all inclusive colloquialism to represent all races is as weak as the beat he spit it too? Does he realize that when Robert Schwartz decides to stop being a nigger all he has to do is change his look. maybe trade in the bapes and backpack put on a suit and he's right and exact. When Robert Yung decides he's no longer a nigga he can be whatever any person of Asian decent can be in the country stereo types not withstanding. When Robert Rodriguez decides to stop being a nigger he can become a proud man of Latin descent. However for Robert Jenkins who's Grand parents where NIGGERS, blown over by fire hoses and beat within an inch of their lives, when the term meant what it will always mean despite his attempts to make it a term of endearment. Whom despite his affluence or allegiance has to be as scared as a runaway slave when pulled over for driving black or shopping black, ...or any of the number of things blacks can do innocently while being black, and end up dead Amadou Diallo. We're the only race that embraces our disgrace, and now you would have everyone else sing along with us in our shame. "
(via daveyd)

What do you think of this artist's assesment of Nas' song. Do you agree?

Flava reppin the global Hip Hop movement!

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